Monday 30 January 2012


"Pashmina" is the Persian word meaning finest wool fibre, Pashmina shawls were originally shawls hand spun, woven and embroidered in Kashmir, and made from fine cashmere fiber. This fiber is also known as pashm or pashmina. Kashmiri Pashmina Shawls are known for its softness. Pashmina yarn is spun from the hair of the ibex found at 14,000 ft above the sea level, every summer; Himalayan farmers climb the mountains to comb the fine woolen undercoat from the neck and chest of, Himalayan mountain pashm, not to be confused with the endangered Tibetan antelope that is killed to produce shatoosh shawls.    Different types of cashmere Pashmina Shawls made from top quality raw material, Pure Pashmina is expensive but mixed Pashmina with wool is less expensive. Kashmiri pashmina silk shawls are world widely praised for their unmatched quality & various kinds of embroideries Art or hook embroidery.
 Kashmiri shawls are decorated by various kind of embroideries Art or hook embroidery; motifs are well-known flower designs and 'sozni' or needlework's, is finely done by experienced craftsman's material & fine embroidery causes the hike in prices

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